Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Geometry Fall Week 6 HW Answer Key

As usual, let me know if there are any errors.
Week 6 answer key:
1) SAS or ASA(do not use SSA)

2) Median line should go from one point and bisect the line across from that point.

3) In book(chapter 7 pg.134).

4) Note: Change “One side” to vertex length. The other two sides are 22.5 cm (only one possibility).

5) 40 degrees.

6) 120 degrees for the upmost and bottom angle. The rest are 30 degrees.

7) a- Yes. B- No.(AAA) c- No.(SSA) d-Yes.

8) Smallest- angle C. Largest- angle A.

9) The side across the 80 degree is longest. The side across 50 degrees is smallest.

10) BC < AC < AB

11) 7

12) 19

1) Statements- 1)Givens 2) angle QLM = angle QML 3) angle QLM = angle QPR and angle
QML = angle QRP 4) angle QPR = angle QRP
Reasons- 1) Given 2) base angle theorem 3) corresponding angles 4) substitution
or definition of isosceles triangle

2) Statements- 1)Given 2) BC = BC 3) triangle ACB = triangle DBC 4) angle 1 = angle 2
Reasons- 1) given 2)Reflexive property 3) hypotenuse leg postulate 4) CPCTC

3) Not graded. :D

4) 1) BD bisects angle ABC
2) Definition of Bisector
3)Measure of exterior angle is greater than measure of nonadjacent interior
4) Measure of angle greater than measure of angle 1
5) AB greater than AD


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